I’ve always been drawn to detail and it’s been the realist painters who have been the source of my inspiration, from the Dutch Masters to contemporary realist painters such as Stone Roberts, Scott Pryor, Scott Fraser, and Gregory Gillespie. Though I prefer not to label myself a Still Life painter, still lives figure predominantly in my work.
I work from a studio in my house selecting objects of personal interest. I try to create a narrative from the chosen objects that will elevate and give new meaning to their ordinariness. Symbolism plays strongly in my work. My paintings are the result of combining photographic references, direct observation, and imagination. I strive to create a sense of mystery or humor from seemingly disparate objects. Inanimate objects sometimes take on an anthropomorphic quality. Often there’s an implicit smirk or wink I’m trying to convey to my audience.
Barney Levitt, Daydream Interrupted, 2023, oil on canvas, 18 x 15 inches