Giving It All at the Commons
Curated by Dakota X, “What We Give” is an exhibition at the Provincetown Commons, 46 Bradford St., to accompany Randi Triant’s reading from What We Give, What We Take on Saturday, May 7, from 5 to 9 p.m. (See story on page C3). The show runs through May 15.
Participating artists include Fine Arts Work Center fellow Nick Fagan, Sara Lee Hughes, Ryan Landry, Bobby Miller, Pasquale Natale, Dakota X, and Laurence Young.
“All of the work in the exhibition, like Randi’s novel, portrays the concerns, the losses, and the hopes of individuals or families living with emotional or physical challenges,” said Dakota X in an email. “The artists were selected to include a range of challenges that the artists or their subjects have faced in their lives, from learning disabilities to Autism Spectrum Disorder to HIV/AIDS.”
Clown White is 48-by-36-inch mixed media collage by Laurence Young. (Photo courtesy Dakota X