PETIT FOUR: A SALON SHOW OF SMALL WORKS from Schoolhouse Gallery artists. In the tradition of Provincetown’s eclectic studios, the gallery is pleased to present a salon of small works from our gallery artists including works from Mark Adams, Elise Ansel, Anne Beresford, Lauren Ewing, Damien Hoar de Galvan, David Halliday, David X Levine, Sarah Lutz, Francis Olschafskie, Jo Sandman, Stephanie Sassoon, and many others.
Join them on Friday evening from 5-7, and Saturday and Sunday from 11-4 to enjoy this special presentation for the holiday. The gallery is located at 494 Commercial Street in Provincetown’s East End Gallery District and at Limited parking in rear. Call 508 487-4800.
Sydney Light ‘Still Life with Figs’ 10 x 10” Oil on panel