Nocturnes- New Work by Sean McCabe
Artist Reception Friday September 16, 2022 7-9pm
Provincetown, MA: The Alden Gallery will present “Nocturnes,” a show of new work by Sean McCabe, opening on Friday, September 16, 2022, at 423 Commercial St. The artist’s reception will be on opening day, Friday, September 16, from 6 to 8 p.m. The show will be on view through September 29.
Of his new body of work at the Alden Gallery, Miami Beach-based artist Sean McCabe says, “These paintings bridge a gap between my work in the digital world — under the name Sean Mick — and the physical, more personal narratives of me as an artist. After having gone through a divorce and the pandemic and selling the house in town, these nocturnal studies of the Outer Cape represent the dimming clarity for me of the Provincetown community. The compositions are partially generated from A.I. Neural Networks, which use word prompts to create art. They served as a jumping-off point for studies in Tonalism, with such Tonalist artists as Dewey, Richardson, Inness, and Whistler, among others, serving as inspiration. Tonalism is not about subject so much as it is about mood. The palette/saturation in this work is reduced to evoke moonless nights and suggest the unknown. It’s meant to look at least 50 years old, and the frames were sourced for a turn-of-the-century vibe.”
The Alden Gallery is open Thursday through Monday, 11 a.m.-5 p.m., and Friday evening, 6-9 p.m., through Columbus Day, after which it will be open weekends through New Year’s Day, 2023. It is free and open to the public. During gallery hours, call 508-487-4230; off-hours, call 646-483-8164.
Future schedule for the 2022 season:
Autumn Group show: September 30 through January 2, 2023
Press contact: Howard Karren, or 646-483-8164