Provincetown Art Gallery Association -
Featured Events / Projects / Benefits
ArT Love GaLLerY
Gallery Exhibitions + Featured Events
Retrospective of A. Paul's artwork and fundraiser for the National Brain Tumor Society. In addition to the A. Paul exhibit, twenty-two of the gallery artists have donated a work and their artist proceeds in honor of significant individuals whom they have lost to brain cancer.
Mary’s Friends An Artist’s Reunion
BENEFIT EXHIBITION in support of the monumental, life-sized bronze sculpture of Mary Heaton Vorse by PENELOPE JENCKS
Mary Heaton Vorse House (1874–1966) -Artists on the Road in Provincetown with Mary Heaton Vorse, 1906-1966 Co-curators: Gene Tartaglia & Berta Walker
Bowersock Gallery
Men Knitting, and Then There's Jeff - AIDS Support group of Cape Cod benefit.
Four Eleven Gallery
Four Eleven Gallery Presents
A Moment In Time - Eternity; Janice V. Walk and Provincetown Artists of the 1990’s